Friday, August 31, 2007

Looking for hot phone deals?

NEW Treo 755p for Sprint

scroll all the way down to check out the latest deals from PALM. There are several offers that have different carriers so if you don't like one you can always find another one! These are the latest deals that I've seen on the web. (Sprint, Verizon, Cingular/AT&T). Personally I like T-Mobile and my Blackberry so I can't say that I have ever used a Palm but I hear they are great for business users too.

Palm Trade and Save

Affordable WiFi - Palm TX

Treo 755p

Brighter Color Screen, Bluetooth, Flash Memory

Treo 680

Special Deals

Brighter Color Screen, Bluetooth, Flash Memory

Treo 755p

Treo 700w

NEW Treo 700p for Sprint & Verizon

New Treo 750 with Free Shipping

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