Check out http://www.troopcarepackage.com/
they ship items in need to soldiers serving overseas.
Imagine being in 130 degrees wearing 70lbs of gear and thousands of miles away from your loved ones!
DONATE A MISTER at www.coolourtroops.com!!!
How does Operation Cool Our Troops Military Donation Work?
Each $10 donation sends a MISTER to a U.S. Soldier in or on the way to the Middle East.
It is AMAZINGLY HOT in the Middle East both day and night. These Misters can bring much needed relief to our soldiers.
Next time you jump in your pool, turn on the A/C in your car or house, or go to an air conditioned mall, take a moment to think about our oldiers who don't have those options to take refuge from the heat. At least with a Misty Mate® mister, they can get some cool relief!
Hats off to the men and women in our Armed Forces. WE APPRECIATE YOU!